Why and How to Ditch Dairy
Whether your dairy-free journey begins because you’re tired of not feeling well, or because your doctor has encouraged you to remove dairy from your diet – today you’re taking an important step in investing in your body, health and education.
Dairy is in so many recipes, hidden in product labels and such a part of our culture that it can be overwhelming and challenging to even know where to start. That’s why I’ve designed this complementary workbook to help you through your dairy elimination journey.
In this workbook you’ll:
Understand your “why” behind this change to your diet
Identify small, sustainable changes you can implement right away
Transition to a better understanding about wellness in your body
Learn how to easily replace temptation on your shelves and pantry
Celebrate small victories along your journey
About me
I am a Functional Medicine Health Coach, Author, and Speaker. I help my clients find the root causes of chronic symptoms by putting puzzle pieces together to reverse chronic disease. Inspired by my daughter’s success overcoming life-threatening food allergies through desensitization, in 2015 I became a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and in 2017 published my book, From Anaphylaxis to Buttercream. In the years since, I've started diving deeper into studying functional medicine. I empower clients to reverse unwanted debilitating symptoms using nutrition education and holistic intervention